Software engineering
Systems thinking
How managers and leaders can guide their teams through various stages of task dependent maturity and what happens when they don’t.
29 March 2023
12 min read
Software engineering
Introduction to my first principles series where will be going one by one through various software development methodologies and frameworks. I will be explaining the real reason they work, and don’t work, by going back to the first principles they act on.
13 February 2023
5 min read
Software engineering
Systems thinking
The fifth article in a series that walks through the core principles of influence and human decision making. I explore the evolutionary and psychological reasons why we are more likely to help people we like and how professional persuaders use this to influence us.
21 April 2021
17 min read
The fourth article in a series that walks through the core principles of influence and human decision making. I talk through the principle of social proof and the reasons how we often make decisions based on what we see other people doing.
18 November 2020
16 min read
The third article in a series that walks through the core principles of influence and human decision making. I walkthrough the principle of Commitment and consistency. How small decisions can lead to big ones and why it is so hard to change an opinion once you have formed one.
22 June 2020
19 min read
The second article in my modern influence series. Where I cover the principle of reciprocity, the inbuilt urge to return a favour. I explore the evolutionary background to this psychological quirk and then walk through some examples of where it is used by marketers, salespeople, and companies to help drive sales and customer engagement.
01 April 2020
20 min read
The first article in a series that walks through the core principles of influence and human decision making. This introduction gives an overview of the underlying psychology of our decision making process and a rough overview of whats to come.
13 February 2020
16 min read